Saturday, January 28, 2012

Creative….or borrowed?

Creative….or borrowed?
I guess I should explain the name of the blog, “loudandincharge”. While at the ballgame the other night one of my best friends came and brought her 2 kids. Her little boy was wearing a t-shirt with LOUD and IN CHARGE written on it…..she said it reminded her of me and if they had it in my size she would have bought me one too! I liked the shirt…..ALOT! The more I thought about it the more I thought “gosh that is soooo ME”!!! But the deal is….I’m not always the LOUD one…..nor am I always IN CHARGE! Sometimes my kids are the loud ones… job is loud…….my house is loud……and Lord knows my big hair is very LOUD some days! But my friends would laugh at all of those examples and say of I was full of it…..that i AM loud….every single day…..but I guess some days I just can’t hear myself for everything else going on around me. And as for being in charge…..well……most days I am in charge……whether it be at home, work, in my marriage, family, and friends. But there are those days when I fell like a rented mule 30 minutes before sundown! Those are the days that I feel run down and spread waaaay too thin in waaaay too many places. But…..the one thing I can be IN CHARGE of everyday is my attitude……and a lot of the time I can even change others attitudes with mine. I do believe that the way we live and perceive what is going on around us has a contagious effect on others around us. Now don’t you think for one minute that that means I let people give me crap or walk over me…..oh no indeed….that ain’t happening… the way…..I have a zero bulls*** tolerance……which some days I handle a little “sweeter” than others! What I mean is if I walk around with a crappy attitude….then quess what…..that crap is contagious…..and it will bring others down too. Or….I can choose to be happy and encouraging and optimistic…..and hope that it sets an example for others and spreads to them. Remember… motto is “IF YOU CAN’T CONTROL IT….LET IT GO!” I say that often….and LOUDLY at times!
Today was a great a day……my oldest played baseball today….his team lost….but he played great…..and he played LOUD and IN CHARGE…..just like I wanted him to! I hope both of my boys live their lives LOUD and IN CHARGE. My hope for them is to be happy and strong…in all that they do. And I see soooo much of myself in them. The oldest is so competitive, strong willed, independent, and outgoing. He makes up his mind and sticks with it…..and rock and rolls right on through whatever he is doing. The little one….well he’s the baby….a very strong willed, opinionated, out going, and LOUD baby….. just like me in so many ways! Neither of them are shy or quiet….they let you know what they are thinking when they are thinking it….and LOUDLY usually! So you see….not all days the LOUD and IN CHARGE is me…..sometimes its me listening to the LOUD and trying to figure out why someone else thinks they need to be IN CHARGE! I sure hope you are living LOUD and IN CHARGE…..and if your not…..I encourage you to try it….after all someone has to be LOUD and IN CHARGE….it just might as well be YOU!

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